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Getting started

Let's discover Corgi in less than 10 minutes.

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Send someone your project yml file, init and run it in minutes.

No more long meetings, explanations of how to run new project with multiple microservices and configs. Just send corgi-compose.yml file to your team and corgi will do the rest.

Auto git cloning, db seeding, concurrent running and much more.

While in services you can create whatever you want, but in db services for now it supports:

Quick install with Homebrew

brew install andriiklymiuk/homebrew-tools/corgi

# ask for help to check if it works
corgi -h

It will install it globally.

With it you can run corgi in any folder on your local.

Create service file, if you want to run corgi.

Try it with expo + hono server example

corgi run -t

Vscode extension

We also recommend installing corgi vscode extension which has syntax helpers, autocompletion and commonly used commands. You can check and run corgi showcase examples from extension too.

Services creation

Corgi has several concepts to understand:

  • db_services - database configs to use when doing creation/seeding/etc
  • services - project folders to use for corgi. Can be server, app, anything you can imagine
  • required - programs needed for running your project successfully (node,yarn,go,whatever you want). They are checked on init

These items are added to corgi-compose.yml file to create services, db services and check for required software.

Examples of corgi-compose.yml files are in examples repo. You can also check what should be in corgi-compose.yml by running corgi docs. It will print out all possible items in corgi .yml file or you can go to corgi compose items doc to see what the syntax and possible values of corgi-compose.yml

After creating corgi-compose.yml file, you can run to create db folders, clone git repos, etc.

corgi init

If you want to just run services and already created db_services:

corgi run

Tip: there can be as many services as you wish. But create it with different ports to be able to run in all at the same time, if you want.

You can read of what exactly happens on run or on init to better understand corgi logic.